Pawan Kalyan's birthday has turned more exciting and special with none other than Allu Sirish revealing some interesting things about his uncle. In a statement, Sirish explained some unknown things about Pawan including that he's Naturopath, Yogi, Avid reader and a Sensitive person.
Sirish's statement reads -
1) Naturopath : He uses ayurveda a lot. He's always eating usirikai (amla) : secret to his youth, good skin & hair I guess. I went to his farm once & saw neem twigs, shikakai juice & hardly any cosmetics.
2) Yogi : Most of us practise hatha yoga, a simpler form of yoga. But he practises Ashtanga yoga, an advanced form which includes asanas hanging from a rope. #fitnessgoals
3) Avid reader : I visit the same book store as he used to (Walden). The store clerk used to tell me what all books he picked. Varied topics : politics, theology, philosophy etc. He's a voracious reader of books & his house is filled with them.
4) Sensitive Person: I had a car accident in 2007 & admitted in ICU. Though I'm not too close to him, he came to the hospital to visit me & had moist eyes. I felt so happy and it made my day
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